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Privacy Policy

The privacy policy is applicable only for Collegehamara and not for the websites linked through it, which shall be governed by its respective privacy policies and/or terms of use. The website utilises cookies and other tracking technologies. Some cookies and other technologies may serve to recall Personal Information previously indicated by a Web user. Most browsers allow you to control cookies, including whether or not to accept them and how to remove them. By providing us your information in the ways stated hereinbelow, you agree with the privacy policy and give us consent for usage of information by us in the manner stated herein.

Information Collected by the Website:

Means of data collection on Collegehamara are- Contact Forms (The contact forms on the website are made to simplify the process of data presentation by collecting the user interests, educational qualification and age, etc), and Login/Signup (By creating a user account visitor agrees the terms of conditions of the website. The data collected may consist of personal or non-personal information. We may store, collect, use and process your Information India subject to compliance under applicable laws. The website collects user information to provide suggestions tailored as per the students’ profile and keep them informed about the ongoing application processes.


Third-party content:

The users providing ‘testimonials’ are entitled to public display and can also be shared with our partner institutions. By using this website, the user agrees to not use any foul or offensive language in any forum or publicly available comment section. Because we do not control the third party content, user understand and agree that:

We are not responsible for, and do not endorse, any such content, including information and reviews about any college/institution provided by other users

We make no guarantees about the accuracy, currency, suitability, reliability or quality of the information in such content

We assume no responsibility for unintended, objectionable, inaccurate, misleading, or unlawful Content made available by users, advertisers, and third parties.

We do not claim ownership in any content that the user submits or authorizes for use to us, the user, however, agrees that such content shall be exclusive to us and no such or similar shall be published, copied, reproduced by the user or any person visiting the website on any of the other online portal, without obtaining a prior consent in writing by The user is free to remove or get removed his/her own content, if such content is posted wither accidentally or unintentionally on the website



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